Medal of Honor 2: Basilan Philippines

Friday, July 20, 2012

Medal of Honor 2: Basilan Philippines

The single-player mode will continue to follow the story of Tier 1 operators. The single-player will feature various locations including the Philippines and Somalia. The story was written by real Tier 1 Operators while they were deployed overseas and is inspired by multiple real-world events.
The game is the direct sequel to Medal of Honor and will continue the story from the previous game. Players will continue to control Tier 1 Operators through various scenarios, including rescuing hostages in Abu Sayyaf’s stronghold in the Philippines, and assaulting Al-Shabaab’s Pirate Town on the Somali Coast. Missions will be based off several recent events and will have an over-arching storyline connecting them. It was first revealed that the original characters from Medal of Honor – Mother, Preacher, Voodoo and many others – will return in the sequel. The game's plot reveals that Tier 1 operator Preacher returns home to find his family torn apart from years of deployment.


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