"A Date in 2025" DUST Short Film

Friday, February 22, 2019

"A Date in 2025" DUST Short Film

"A Date in 2025" by Ryan Turner

In the year 2025, a young man's superintelligent AI system tells him that he must go on a date or face certain suicide from loneliness.

When Daniel's superintelligent AI, 'Counselor' (Siri on steroids), finds out that he's been dreaming about one of the girls in his virtua-class, Counselor persuades him to ask her out on a date the only way she knows how: by convincing him that if he doesn't go he will, according to statistical probabilities, kill himself. It's a tall order for a guy who hasn't left his apartment in 42 days and is more than happy to stay at home with his 2025 technology.


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