AllA card with "all" after a certain ability will target all friends or opponents depending on whether the ability is offensive or defensive.
Hero: Yauba Ascendant
Unit: Horrid Marsh, Nightmare
Spell: Beacon of Light, Bloodlust, Call of Blood, Choking Cloud, Contagion, Flame Wave, Ground, Harry, Ice Storm, Invigorate, Madness, Mobilize, Poison Cloud, Rust, Summer Festival, Timeshift, Touch of Life, Weaken, Windstorm
Artifact: Book of Faces, Plague Sigil, Poison Sigil, Wind Whistle
AllyThe unit receives a bonus if the faction to which it is allied is also in play on its side of the playing field. An elf ally gains "Heal 2", a demon ally gains "Firebreath 1", a human ally gains "Whirlwind", an orc ally gains "+2 Attack" and an undead ally gains "regenerate 2".
Hero: Melgor Triumphant, Nalinai Demonfriend
Unit: Banuur Blademaster, Blade Golem, Blade Mage, Burning Warrior, Cinder Troll, Corrupted Healer, Darkforge Dwarf,Dwarven Miner, Flame Spirit, Griffon, Hellfire Warrior, Impish Diplomat, Paladin of Light, Skeleton Warrior, Steam Mage,Warwolf, Wind Spirit, Wretched Assassin
Spell: None
Artifact: None
AnimatedThe unit has a 50% chance of returning to the staging area, allowing it to go on the field again. Since it reanimates on an off turn, if it has an even timer, it usually won't be able to attack the first turn when it's on the field again.
Hero: Argol the Risen, Vostag the Diseased
Unit: Armor Golem, Blade Golem, Bone Archer, Bone Chainer, Bone Dragon, Bone Golem, Bone Horror, Crackbone Golem,Dark Horseman, Decayed Knight, Flesh Golem, Iron Maiden, Polished Golem, Severed Hands, Skeletal Marksman, Skeleton Warrior, Stick Golem
Spell: Antimagic Storm, Atrocity, Ball Lightning, Battle Standard, Blizzard, Charge, Choking Cloud, Contagion, Magma Blast,Necromancy, Touch of Life, Unsummon, Windstorm
Artifact: None
ArcheryArchery units do double damage to infantry, and flying units
Hero: Aradaan Flametongue, Aradaan Silverhair, Landen Hawkeye
Unit: Aanden Horsebow, Aanden Venombow, Bone Archer, Captured Hill Giant, Cultist of Aradaan, Dolorous Archer, Faithful Archer, Hired Archer, Icebow Archer, Red Tide Slinger, Shield Rider, Silvintri Archer, Silvintri Marksman, Skeletal Marksman,Vistav Shardbow
Spell: None
Artifact: Silvintri Longbow
AssassinateKills one random enemy in play.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Assassinate, Cataclysm
Artifact: None
AttackGives the unit a higher base attack.
Hero: None
Unit: Aanglor Lancer, Faithful Silverback, Hired Bully, Red Tide Scout, Red Tide Spearman, Snow Leopard, Twilight Warrior,Two-Headed Giant
Spell: Bloodlust, Champion, Mobilize, Sanctuary
Artifact: Blade of Weakness, Book of Faces, Conquerer's Axe, Crown of Flames, Dragonslayer's Sword, Dull Knife,Gruesome Blade, Hammer, Khronan Rum, Kirdanaan Darkshield, Potion of Rage, Putrid Dagger, Scepter of Command,Silvintri Longbow, Sword of Prowess, Talisman of Yauba, Wounding Blade
Attack MoraleDoes direct damage to your opponent's morale.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Friend to Foe
Artifact: None
BerserkUpon being attacked, a unit with berserk will gain damage
Hero: Bogar the Berserk, Urich, Harkaan Exile
Unit: Dwarven Berserker, Enraged Yeti, Hired Berserker, Raging Berserker, Red Tide Berserker, Wall of Fire, Zombie Berserker
Spell: None
Artifact: None
BlastBlast hits all enemies doing damage to them.
Hero: Desirhalic Reborn, Firestarter Arfalas
Unit: Abtu-Kahn Priest, Abtu-Kahn Worshipper, Deshir Drake, Firemane Demon, Hellfire Mage, Rebellious Drake, Silvintri Mage, Vistav Mutant
Spell: Blast, Magma Blast
Artifact: Aseti Book of Fire, Flame Sigil, Lich King's Crown
BlockBlock stops damage from an attack from happening, additionally, if a unit that causes poison damage attacks a unit with block, and does 0 damage, the poison doesn't happen
Hero: Archmage Valenti, Sicilis St onefist
Unit: Aanglor High Guard, Aanglor Knight, Aanglor Veteran, Aanglor Warmaiden, Aanglor Warsmith, Armor Golem, Clockwork Golem, Dwarven Lorespeaker, Heavy Cavalry, Heavy Pikeman, Mercenary Sergeant, Mountain Goat, Paladin of Light, Red Tide Shield, Sarah, Shield Rider, Stone Giant, Stone Sentinel, Wretched Wanderer
Spell: Favorable Winds
Artifact: Conquerer's Axe, Kirdanaan Darkshield, Lich King's Crown, Mithril Shield, Tower Shield
BoostUnits gain bonus attack power until the end of the turn.
Hero: None
Unit: Dragoncult Imp, Giant Cave Bat, Ill-Fated Warrior, Pseudodragon, Red Tide Bootlicker
Spell: Bloodlust, Bloodthirst, Champion, Madness
Artifact: None
BurnCauses an enemy unit to burn, making it lose 1 life after attacking.
Hero: None
Unit: Nightmare
Spell: Ignite
Artifact: None
Chain ZapChain zap deals damage to a random enemy, and all enemies sharing a name with it
Hero: Faraz the Summoner
Unit: Dwarven Cannoneer, Estian Wizard, Silver Summoner, Silvintri Boltmage, Vengeful Mage
Spell: Chain Zap
Artifact: Stormcannon
CommandAll units of the same type of the card with command, other than the card with the ability, gain an attack bonus.
Hero: Aradaan Silverhair, Arlen, Silver Knight, Badial, Bevus, Delnor Giantkiller, Gorfang Trollking, Grymish the Mad, Katrina Aloft, Kulnar Demonfriend, Lord Yauba, Princess Katrina, The Unnamed One, Yauba Ascendant
Unit: Grey Summoner, Mercenary Captain, Orcish Firecracker
Spell: None
Artifact: Book of Faces, Lance of Faith, Orb of Dragonkind, Scepter of Command, Treasure Chest
Death AuraMakes the enemy unit to be cursed, causing it to have a 50% chance to miss.
Hero: Azuba the Deathlord, Bobenlik
Unit: Baanur Cultist, Decaying Behemoth, Larva Fiend, Void Hound, Wall of Souls, Whispering Ghost
Spell: Curse
Artifact: Cursed Medallion, Talisman of Yauba
DemoralizeDemoralize deals damage to the enemy's morale (red bar on the side).
Hero: Skoreg, Exiled
Unit: Aanden Sunsword, Ancient Silverback, Blazing Sunsword, Catapult Crew, Sunsword Captain, Vision of Yauba, Warwolf
Spell: Apocalypse, Atrocity, Demonic Ritual
Artifact: King Draeth's Flail
DeployPeforms an ability when the card enters play.
Hero: Cam, Zombie Master
Unit: Cavetrap Spider, Dragoncult Imp, Elvish Voidwalker, Estian Sniper, Giant Cave Bat, Grave Spawn, Pseudodragon, Red Tide Bootlicker, Totem Warrior, Troubadour
Spell: None
Artifact: None
DestroyDestroys a certain amount of type of cards.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Antimagic Storm, Avalanche, Change the Guard, Magic Vortex
Artifact: None
DevourDestroys 1 friend with the lowest health each action, gaining +2 attack and +2 health. If it cannot devour it will lose -2 health and -2 attack.
Hero: Desirhalic Reborn
Unit: Balor, Corrupted Ape, Devouring Behemoth, Gnashing Mouther, Grave Binder, Grave Eater, Hungry Warrior, Priest of Aradaan
Spell: None
Artifact: None
DiseaseDisease causes the enemy to lose one extra health, and 1 attack, but only once.
Hero: Dunun the Defender, Vostag the Diseased
Unit: Corpse Catapult, Dirty Rotten Zombie, Diseased Wolf, Festering Troll, Pestilence Rat
Spell: Contagion, Plague
Artifact: Plague Sigil, Putrid Dagger
DrainDrain regenerates health equal to the damage it deals to the enemy.
Hero: Lady Raiven, Natu the Embalmer
Unit: Abtu-Kahn Acolyte, Abtu-Kahn Priest, Abtu-Kahn Worshipper, Black Drake, Black Hatchling, Swamp Witch, Vampire
Spell: None
Artifact: Soul Leech
DrainboltDrainbolt, as the name suggests, drains a bolt of health from a random enemy doing both damage and healing the user for the amount of damage done.
Hero: Azuba the Deathlord, Gormihaagos
Unit: Baanur Darkmage, Baanur Death Priest, Black Dragon, Kulnar Deathmage
Spell: None
Artifact: Sigil of Azuba
ExplodeAfter death, it does damage to the unit across from it and to the units directly to the left and right of it.
Hero: Skarg Bonesmasher
Unit: Battle Wagon, Deshir Hatchling, Engorged Imp, Firebomb Trap
Spell: None
Artifact: Ticking Pack
FearEach action, causes opposing and adjacent enemies to lose 1 attack for 1 turn.
Hero: None
Unit: Cave Troll, Cursing Shaman, Larva Fiend, Patch Warrior, Spider Swarm, Terrifying Wight, Totem Warrior
Spell: None
Artifact: None
FireboltDoes a random amount of damage, ranging from 1-3+ depending on the unit with the ability.
Hero: Agmog the Firelord
Unit: Baanur Flame Priest, Firemage of Grymish
Spell: Flame Wave
Artifact: Burning Orb, Sigil of Agmog
FirebreathFirebreath causes a little damage, and at the same times gives the enemy the flaming icon, causing it to lose health each turn
Hero: Raganash, Raganash Enraged
Unit: Dragonspawn Imp, Firetrap, Red Dragon
Spell: None
Artifact: Ring of Firebreath
FlamingFlaming happens when you attack, or are attacked by a unit with flaming; it will deal one damage each turn until the unit dies
Hero: Agmog the Firelord, Bithkin
Unit: Burning Imp, Firemane Demon, Fireshroud Cultist, Flame Dancer, Flaming Behemoth, Grassfire, Hellfire Mage, Hellfire Warrior, Patch Warrior, Red Drake, Red Hatchling
Spell: None
Artifact: Crown of Flames
FlyingFlying units can only take damage from special abilities, archers, and other units with flying
Hero: Cirrusaliosa, Gormihaagos, Katrina Aloft, Matimilopeotryx, Raganash, Yauba Ascendant
Unit: Balor, Black Dragon, Black Drake, Dragonbone Rider, Giant Bat, Giant Cave Bat, Giant Eagle, Griffon, Nightmare,Nightwing Imp, Pegasus Rider, Pseudodragon, Red Dragon, Red Drake, Vampire Spawn, Vision of Yauba, White Dragon,White Drake
Spell: Avalanche, Ground, Levitate, Windstorm
Artifact: Ring of Flight
FrenzyUpon attacking, a unit with frenzy will gain increased damage
Hero: Pozak at Bay
Unit: Aanden Wolverine, Blackpaw Grizzly, Blade Barrier, Grymish Myrmidon, Hungry Wolf, Owlbear, Warpig, Werewolf
Spell: None
Artifact: War Brew
GainCertain cards will gain a new ability when these cards come into play.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Favorable Winds, Power Drain, Shoulder to Shoulder
Artifact: None
Gain Moraleheals moral damage (red bar on the side)
Hero: None
Unit: Dwarven Lorespeaker, Troubadour
Spell: Battle Standard, Rally, Strength in Numbers
Artifact: Gold
GiveThis card will give health or attack to other friendly cards in play.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: None
Artifact: Anvil, Hammer
GuardWhile in play, adjacent friends gain +2 health
Hero: None
Unit: Dwarven Guardian, Guard Wolf, Stone Sentinel
Spell: None
Artifact: Tower Shield
HarassHarass increases the ready of one of the opponents cards
Hero: Bevus
Unit: Estian Saboteur, Gormic Swamps, Voidcaller
Spell: Harry, Timeshift
Artifact: Korro's Crystal Ball
HealHeal heals damage to an ally equal to the number beside the ability's name
Hero: Archaeologist Arugi, Catii the Reanimator, Enyi on the Brink, Light Priestess Enyi
Unit: Aanden Herbalist, Aanden Priest, Courtier Imp, Estian Battle Cleric, Estian Cleric, Faithful Healer, Hired Healer, Norag Shaman, Silvintri Loremaster, Swamp Witch, Unicorn Maiden, Vistav Yeti , Wandering Bard
Spell: Beacon of Light, Demonic Wedgie , Invigorate, Mobilize, Shoulder to Shoulder, Summer Festival, Touch of Life, Turning the Tide
Artifact: Amulet of Health, Anvil, Cask of Celebration, Chalice of Healing, Diadem of Light, Khronan Rum
HealthGives a boost to the units base health
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Mobilize, Shoulder to Shoulder
Artifact: Amulet of Health, Anvil, Cask of Celebration, Chalice of Healing, Khronan Rum
Ice ArmorIce armor reduces all direct attack damage to 1. Abilities still do full damage.
Hero: Gishagul the Icelord
Unit: Corrupted Healer, Frozen Behemoth, Iceling, Snow Demon
Spell: None
Artifact: None
IceboltIcebolt deals a certain amount of damage, and has a chance to "freeze" the enemy, causing them to miss there next attack
Hero: Cirrusaliosa, Gishagul the Icelord, Matimilopeotryx
Unit: Baanur Ice Priest, Frostburn imp, Ice Basilisk, Icemage of Aradaan, Steam Mage, White Dragon, White Drake, White Hatchling
Spell: Blizzard, Ice Storm, Nature's Wrath
Artifact: Sigil of Gishagul
ImmuneUnits with immune take absolutely no damage from special abilities from the enemy
Hero: None
Unit: Baanur Ritualist, Earthworks, Hound of Yauba, Iron Maiden, Mirror Contraption, Mist Stalker, Shadowtail Demon, Tomb Stalker, Treehold
Spell: None
Artifact: Demon Lord's Chain, Helm of Absorption
Increase BurnBurning enemies suffer 3 damages.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Raging Flames
Artifact: Bellows
InvulnerableCannot be damaged for 3 turns.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Mist Form
Artifact: None
Lose MoraleLose Morale deals damage to your own morale (red bar on the side).
Hero: Skoreg, Exiled
Unit: Basilisk, Bone Horror, Flame Dancer, Hired Archer, Hired Assassin, Hired Bandit, Hired Berserker, Hired Brute, Hired Bully, Hired Healer, Hired Pikeman, Hired Pit Fighter, Hired Stormbolter, Mercenary Captain, Mercenary Sergeant, Rebellious Drake, Snapping Hydra, Spider Swarm, Stone Giant, Storm Giant
Spell: Apocalypse, Madness, Weaken
Artifact: Sigil of Agmog, Sigil of Azuba, Sigil of Gishagul
No Enemy AttacksYour enemy is not allowed to attack as long as this card is in play.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Sanctuary
Artifact: None
Pay LifeA new addition to the mercenary set, pay life does exactly what it says, you pay however much life it says, before attacking, but after other ability's.
Hero: Enyi on the Brink, Pozak at Bay
Unit: Blazing Sunsword, Clockwork Golem, Deadfall, Faithful Archer, Faithful Healer, Faithful Mage, Faithful Silverback, Field of Spears, Firetrap, Raging Berserker
Spell: Power Drain
Artifact: Corpse Candle, Flame Sigil, Lightning Sigil, Plague Sigil, Poison Sigil, Potion of Rage
PikemanPikeman deal double damage to cavalry
Hero: None
Unit: Aanden Spearman, Aanglor Pikeman, Dragonbone Rider, Heavy Pikeman, Hired Pikeman, Red Tide Spearman
Spell: None
Artifact: None
PoisonHit's the enemy with poison, causing them to lose health after their next action.
Hero: Argkrond the Filthy, Nalinai Demonfriend, Nalinai Poisonblade, Sillikiatrix, Yorlii the Traitor
Unit: Aanden Moon Druid, Aanden Venombow, Cave Bat, Dolorous Druid, Forest Crawler, Green Dragon, Green Drake,Green Hatchling, Hired Assassin, Horrid Marsh, Red Tide Blackblade, Slithering Horror, Venomous Hydra, Wretched Assassin
Spell: Choking Cloud, Deadly Arrow, Poison Cloud
Artifact: Gruesome Blade, Poison Sigil
Prevent BurnFlaming enemies cannot inflict burn.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: None
Artifact: Bellows
ProtectAny unit of the type specified, other than the card with the ability, receives a health bonus.
Hero: None
Unit: Distracting Imp, Earthworks, Field of Spears, Green Summoner, Mountain Lair, Orcish Palisade, Sarah, Treehold,Wandering Bard
Spell: None
Artifact: Wind Whistle
RageGains 3 attack when health is 2 or less.
Hero: Crikeet, Raganash Enraged
Unit: Owlbear, Raging Hydra, Raging Knight, Raging Panda
Spell: None
Artifact: None
Rage BurnBurning friends gain +3 attack for one turn.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Raging Flames
Artifact: None
ReanimateTakes a random unit from the graveyard and puts in on the field
Hero: Cam, Zombie Master
Unit: Grave Spawn, Life Trapper
Spell: None
Artifact: None
ReclaimReclaim takes a card from the graveyard and returns it to the staging area
Hero: Arugi the Digger, Gwyn Lightbringer
Unit: Beastcaller Shaman, Blue Summoner, Grave Binder
Spell: Recycle
Artifact: Battle Horn, Corpse Candle, Dawnward Sextant
ReflectIf an ability is used on a card with Reflect, the damage will be "reflected" back, dealing damage to the caster
Hero: Spellbinder Batu
Unit: Estian Magebreaker, Mirror Contraption, Polished Golem, Spellwarden
Spell: None
Artifact: None
RegenerateLike heal, regenerate regenerates damage equal to the ability's name
Hero: Argol the Risen, Gorfang Trollkin, Gorfang Trollking, Grovekeeper Dyrbral, Ririk, Dark Champion
Unit: Aanden Moon Druid, Aanden Stalwart, Aanden Warden, Captive Snow Troll, Cave Troll, Cinder Troll, Dirty Rotten Zombie, Festering Troll, Flesh Golem, Raging Hydra, Snapping Hydra, Spellwarden, Stick Golem, Swamp Horror, Venomous Hydra, Vistav Trollget, Wall of Bones, Werewolf, Wretched Wanderer, Zombie Berserker
Spell: None
Artifact: Chalice of Healing, Troll Blood Vial
RemoveRemoves a card's ability
Hero: None
Unit: Giant Spider, Vistav Shaman
Spell: Ground, Windstorm
Artifact: None
ResurrectA card in the graveyard is returned to play.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Change the Guard, Necromancy, Resurrect
Artifact: None
RetaliateWhen you attack a card with retaliate you will take damage equal to the retaliate number
Hero: Adamans Firehand, Blademaster Wilaren, Ular the Mighty
Unit: Aanglor Bladesman, Aanglor High Guard, Blade Barrier, Bone Chainer, Cultist of Grymish, Cultist of Kulnar, Dangerous Path, Estian Fighter, Estian Skullcrusher, Estian Warlord, Hired Pit Fighter, Red Tide Ambusher, Red Tide Chieftain, Wall of Bones, Wall of Souls, Wall of Spears
Spell: None
Artifact: Deadly Poniard
RushRush is one of the best ability's in the game, it decreases the ready of a card, allowing it to come out sooner
Hero: Badial, Slavedriver Gargurl, Wildcaller Bearsong
Unit: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in E:\wamp\www\warstorm\Waymaker\waymaker.php on line 220 Aanden Battle Fort, Aanglor Squire, Horsebarn, Red Summoner, Red Tide Taskmaster, Vistav Yeti Trainer
Spell: Battle Preparations, Charge, Timeshift
Artifact: Bat Whistle, Slavedriver Whip
SabotageTargets a card with the highest ready value in the opponent's staging area, sending it to the graveyard.
Hero: None
Unit: None
Spell: Sabotage
Artifact: None
SacrificePerforms an ability when the card leaves play for the graveyard.
Hero: Lysandri Resistant
Unit: Cursing Shaman, Hellfire Mage, Ill-Fated Warrior, Life Trapper, Vengeful Mage, Voidclaw
Spell: None
Artifact: None
SapReduces the other units direct attack power each turn the sapper makes a successful attack.
Hero: Elderash, Lich King, Lady of Shadows, Skirm the Punisher
Unit: Icebow Archer, Liege of Aradaan, Souldrain Imp, Succubus, Tattered Wraith, Twilight Warrior, Vistav Iceblade, Wailing Ghost
Spell: Beacon of Light, Rust, Shrink, Weaken
Artifact: Blade of Weakness
SlayerWill deal enough damange to kill a card with a certain property like an attack value (Giant) or a faction.
Hero: Crikeet, Delnor Giantkiller, Jorja
Unit: Aanden Orcblade, Cerebrus, Dwarven Berserker, Dwarven Warrior, Norag Hunter, Storm Giant
Spell: None
Artifact: Dragonslayer's Sword
Sneak AttackSneak attack increases the base damage of a card on it first turn on the field.
Hero: None
Unit: Aanglor Lancer, Faithful Silverback, Hired Bully, Red Tide Scout, Red Tide Spearman, Snow Leopard, Twilight Warrior,Two-Headed Giant
Spell: None
Artifact: None
SnipeSnipe targets the weakest of your enemy's cards and tries to take it out, handy in a tight situation.
Hero: None
Unit: Aanglor Skirmisher, Bog Wisp, Cackling Imp, Estian Partisan, Estian Sniper, Ghost Hound
Spell: Demonic Gaze
Artifact: Aanden Longbow
SpearheadSpearhead units gain damage for every unit you have in play.
Hero: Lord Darius
Unit: Aanglor Legionnaire, Bladeknight Captain, Hired Brute
Spell: None
Artifact: None
Swap MoraleSwap morale with your opponent.
Hero: None
Unit: Twilight Liege
Spell: None
Artifact: None
TrampleWhen attacking an archer, units with trample do double damage
Hero: Arlen, Silver Knight, Knight-Captain Alric
Unit: Aanden Burrower, Aanden Rider, Aanglor Knight, Aanglor Lancer, Aanglor Rider, Dark Horseman, Decayed Knight,Decaying Behemoth, Flaming Behemoth, Frozen Behemoth, Heavy Cavalry, Hired Bandit, Pegasus Rider, Unicorn Maiden
Spell: None
Artifact: None
Trap75% chance to cause an enemy to lose its next turn
Hero: Darius the Cur, Lady Raiven, Nightprowler Silven
Unit: Aanden Burrower, Aanden Ranger, Basilisk, Cavetrap Spider, Dangerous Path, Estian Ranger, Estian Trapper,Hypnotic Imp, Mesmerizing Imp, Vistav Snow Trapper
Spell: Entangle
Artifact: None
UnsummonReturns an enemy to the staging area.
Hero: None
Unit: Dwarven Theologian, Elvish Voidwalker, Jealous Imp, Void Hound, Void Trapper, Voidclaw
Spell: Unsummon
Artifact: Holy Symbol
WhipRandomly whips one beast unit, giving it + 1 attack and -1 health.
Hero: Aradaan Flametongue, Melgor the Vicious, Melgor Triumphant
Unit: Black Summoner, Red Tide Beastslaver, Vistav Yeti Trainer
Spell: Fervor
Artifact: None
WhirlwindWhirlwind attacks the enemy in front of you, and on each side
Hero: Glugar Half-Giant
Unit: Baanur Swordsman, Bladeknight Captain, Dervish of Kulnar, Knight of Blades, Raging Knight
Spell: None
Artifact: Skarg's Axe
WoundA wounded enemy loses the ability to regenerate or be healed.
Hero: None
Unit: Chilling Wight, Dolorous Archer, Dolorous Druid, Vampire, Vampire Spawn
Spell: Call of Blood
Artifact: Wounding Blade
ZapZap randomly hits an enemy doing damage
Hero: Archmage Valenti, Batu the Lorekeeper, Lysandri Axecaster, Lysandri Resistant, Spellbinder Batu, Varu Blackrobe,Zarin Boltcaller
Unit: Aanden Stormcaller, Blade Mage, Estian Battlemage, Estian Mage, Estian Magebreaker, Faithful Mage, Hired Stormbolter, Silvintri Loremaster
Spell: Ball Lightning, Lightning Storm, Magic Missile, Zap
Artifact: Codex Tempest, Lightning Sigil
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